Today was definitely a Friday. The application that was broken earlier this week was fixed thanks to the vendor breaking it. I guess they figured their technical support branch didn't have enough to do and they they also needed to frustrate the crap out of their customers. Yep their name is mud with me. Also today was the end of a path. My direct supervisor got a new job and today was her last day. Our team is being merged with another team. That will be cool because it will be with people I already like. Yep that is a plus. But it again is change.
Change is a popular theme in my life. Things change for good and things change for bad. Thing change because people get their shorts in a knot because they misinterpret things. Oh goes on. I am not sure how much more change I am willing to embrace. However, there are some areas that I am looking forward to changing.
Tonight is me time. Watching my chick flick and getting some sleep for work comes at me again tomorrow.
Friday, November 14, 2008
An interesting day...
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