Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So long 2008

Amazing that another 365 days have gone by. This year has been a year of travel, finding out who my true friends are and forks in the road. Every year there are always defining moments and some you just never want to live through again. We all make choices and decisions which lead us down many different paths. I got to see amazing places and meet interesting people. I turned 40 which was an odd event all in its own. I do not know what the future will hold but I know what I would like to see. So as 2009 comes in here soon I just need to say...

Thank you to my family and friends. May 2009 bring you peace, happiness and prosperity!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dear Body,

You have been there for me thick and thin and I very much appreciate it. But we need to go through another period of change. If we don't, then we may begin to experience periods of break downs. So in the up coming year, be ready because I have made a pact and I intend to keep it.

I know what I want and I am going to get it. Thank you but we must now part ways.


Monday, December 29, 2008

At the zoo

Here are Joe's favorite pic's and his comments from the San Diego Zoo.

"The rhino has his horn up the other rhino's butt!"

"He is amazing!"

" I think the Komodo dragon wants me for lunch!"

"Are they fighting or playing?"

"Thanks Aunt for the Christmas present!"

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Where Food Channel should go...

In the past few months, a show from the Food Channel came to our town and filmed at a couple of restaurants. Personally, they were not ones I would have chosen. Both my brother and I agree that there is a restaurant on U.S. 60 called Screamers in Wickenburg, AZ where they should go. They have amazing hamburgers. I hope you have a chance to stop. Today, I got my chance again.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A smile

Today for lunch my family met at a local Mexican restaurant near my parent's house. It is a full house this week as my grandfather and one of my aunt's were at our house for Christmas. We know that my grandfather miss my grandmother this time of year so to give him a smile, we had this picture taken with a giant sombrero.

Friday, December 26, 2008

One of my favorite days

This has been a tradition for me and my nephew Joe for the last 4 years to go to Balboa Park and the San Diego Zoo to see the animals I got him and his brother for Christmas. We always have a blast. We took the bus tour then walked all over the zoo. We never have a plan. We saw snake, the Komodo dragon, lions, tigers and the polar bears. After the day at the zoo we go on the little train at the park. This year we road the merry-go-round that his dad and I rode when we were kids. We had a blast. He was so excited when I got the brass ring for us to go again. Hopefully next year Joe will be big enough to get the brass ring himself.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The last shopping day...

Christmas is tomorrow. Time for family, food and cheer. I hope everyone has finished their Christmas shopping....

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Running out of space

The snow on either side of my driveway is now about 5 ft in height. This is beginning to pose a problem. Reason is, my height is just taller than the snow. So when we get more this week, where am I suppose to put it? I am definitely getting a work out lifting shovel full loads up and over my head. My core is getting a great work out and at the present rate of getting snow like we are, I may have found a good way to reduce my mid-section. Now I just need to keep the rest of me from torquing, pulling or straining.

Monday, December 22, 2008


We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand... and melting like a snowflake. Let us use it before it is too late.
-- Marie Beyon Ray

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Gift idea...

Ever since my oldest nephew was born, I have given him and now his brother a gift that doesn't need to be picked up, thrown away when broken or given away when they are done with it. My hope for them is that they find and continue with an appreciation with our planet. I get them a sponsorship to an animal at the San Diego Zoo. The day after Christmas we go to the zoo to give them a chance to see their present and learn about different animals that they may not have heard about. They both love animals and the environment and that makes me proud. So this year we have choosen the polar bear and the tiger. Two wonderful creatures that we need to respect and save.

I hope that maybe something like this or something else will be a gift option that you would choose. I know I would be honored.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Just 5 more days...

Christmas is just five days from now. It is kind of surreal. I have the majority of my shopping done and I should go out but I am not wanting to. I am in this disconnected mood.i have tried to listen to Christmas music but that hasn't helped. I have even tried watching movies about avail. I wonder how Santa Claus keeps his enthusiasm up?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Obesity tax?????

I ran across an article in the N.Y. Times the other day on a proposal to tax sugary sodas and juice drinks with less than 70% natural juice. This tax would be on top of the existing sales tax. The part that gets me is that they want to impose an 18% tax. 18%!!!!! New York claims that theyw ill use the money generated from the tax for health programs and hope to cut the obesity rate. Did high taxes on cigarettes work? No. I know I could say more but everything I keep writing just doesn't come across the way I would like it to. Argh...politics.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dreaming of warm sand...

Ok.. I do love snow and winter but today I am not a happy camper. I had to shovel another 8 inches of snow from the drive way. While this is usually not a big deal, it is today because I have no where to put the snow. With more on the way next week, this ought to be interesting. Trying to move a lot of snow up and over my head is not fun. Time to get the snow thrower serviced and a ticket to the warm sands of the southern hemisphere.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Winter Driving 101

I am glad the snow decided to come after finals. It is always interesting watching people attempt to drive on the snow and ice. Especially people in 4-wheel drive vehicles. I happen to be an owner of one but I choose not to drive like I am immune to the elements. It is amazing to see people step on the gas like they are on dry pavement and forgetting that when you are braking on ice that your car may not stop. There are driveways and roads that I avoid during our current weather conditions. Looks like we are into three more months of this.

Happy and Safe Driving!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter is officially here...

Before shoveling...

After shoveling (4 hrs with help)...

No work today. We got about 12+ inches at my house over night. Now they are saying we are due for another 16 to 25 more inches in the next 48 hours. Wheeeeee!

Monday, December 15, 2008


Trader Joe's has done it again. They have created a cookie that is absolutely amazing and you only need one. Yep that is right, just one. I picked up a box of "Dark Chocolate Covered Peppermint Joe Joe's". I was drooling as I savored each bite. Now to try one with a bold glass of red wine... Yum!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

10 more shopping days....

Christmas is fast approaching. Faster than I want it to be. Part of that dread is shopping. So I thought a change of scenery would help. Yep...cacti and my mom. My mom came over to AZ to have a mom and daughter weekend. We had a blast. We explored different areas, talked and shopped. It was a blast. Hopefully we can do it again next year. Thanks mom!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Three Redneck Tenors

Tonight was absolutely amazing! My mom and I saw the Three Redneck Tenors at the Del E. Webb Center for the Performing Arts in Wickenburg, AZ. This show was hilarious. The Three Redneck Tenors are classically trained musicians. They performed some re-arranged numbers of our favorite Christmas tunes. The first half of the show was a musical story. The second half was just the performers. During the musical story, they performed "Santa Baby". Seeing three guys maneuver in 4+" heels better than most women was amazing. They had on these skimpy outfits and the moves of a great drag queen. I was laughing so hard, I had tears streaming from my face. In February they will be in Prescott. There isn't a lot of video out there but I found Nessun Dorma. This was performed tonight. It was wonderful.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Things I have learned while planning a major project

1. Cookies are great for being able to get things done.

2. If you delegate, it looks like you aren't finishing projects strong.

3. Maybe I need another career.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Good to know...

Yep....I have a brain and it is happy healthy and normal. At least for me, that is great news.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Back to what started it all....

Tonight my Jane Austen group saw "Becoming Jane". This was the movie that started it all in September 2007. Our group is small - Marianne, Ann, Tony, Larry and myself but it is enjoyable. We are all foodies so our menus are never dull. I am looking forward to when we start up in 2009. We all have our favorite stories and characters. Thank You Jane Austen! To the group - You guys are great. Thank you for for a wonderful year of laughs, tears and delicious food.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A secret...

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.
-- Buddha

Monday, December 8, 2008

How not to motivate someone...

Simple. Don't tell them it is because of them.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Up 'n Down

Feel Good...feel crappy...[take hot bath]...Feel Good...feel crappy...Feel Good...feel crappy...[take hot bath - again]...Feel Good...sleep.

...and the day will live in infamy. We remember.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Not going to happen

My body thinks it wants to get sick with a cold. I am reminding it that it wants to stay healthy. This ought to be an interesting challenge.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Life is an echo...

... what you send out comes back.
-- Chinese Proverb

... What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you.
-- Zig Ziglar

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A shopping I do go...

Next week is finals here and I have 7 students who work for me. I know that for the next week I will not see them much because school comes first. So give them a little support and a smile, I went shopping for their gift bags. After wandering through both Target and the dollar store I found many little treats, pencils and stress reducers that I could. To top it off this year I went and got them $5.00 gift cards at Starbucks. I know they will do well on their finals!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Where did the year go?

On Monday I realized that we are in December and that all of the end of year holidays were fast approaching. Time marches at the same beat (give a bit for the earth's rotation). I can't believe 6 months ago I was in China. It feels like it was just yesterday. Looks like it is time to see if I can get in that festive mood. Time to make my list and check it twice.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Random Driving

You ever wonder what people are thinking about when they are driving? Are they really focused on the road and others around them or are they thinking about how their day is going/went? Seeing people singing makes me smile because they have joy in their life. Seeing people txting freaks me out and I just move to avoid them. The whole make-up/shaving routine is plain weird. I mean they should have spent 5 more minutes in the bathroom. Eating and drinking is another fun one. I wonder what they are having and is it good or not. Another thing is watching people size each others car up. Who will get off the line first and the whole I have to be ahead of you due to ego or gender. The last thing on driving is stop signs and lights. What part of the word S T O P do people not get. STOP does not mean your can can continue to move at least the last time I checked.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Customer Service - Part II

So this morning my delivery arrived and it arrived damaged. No I am not amused. One hour later on the phone I am suppose to get another one next week.. We'll see how it arrives this time. Sigh