Thursday, January 24, 2008

My day.

It "was" a good one. "Was" being the operative word. I had a great time in my classes and swam a lot this morning (600 m). It snowed, and work went well. That all changed just before 8PM. I was leaving Basha's after grabbing a few groceries. My intuition was telling me not to go down the hill since it was slippery. Did I listen? No. So I hit some ice and ended up running into someone. They were coming in as I was going down. Going to have to call the insurance company in the A.M. This has really bothered me all night. For me, no damage...just them. No one hurt...going slow enough but that pesky ice. Yes I drive a 4x4 but I do not drive like an idiot. I didn't even have the it engaged.
