Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How to be...continued...

As brain kicks in during the middle of the night and I start thinking. It was still running a muck when I awoke at 3am because yesterdays posting was the last thing I thought about when I went to sleep. I did manage to get back to sleep and have had the day to mull over my thoughts. Life is interesting.

What are these paths that we are on and what keeps throwing forks in the road? Are we on paths like the interstate highway system or are we on just one road with little diversions like stopping for gas or food? I wish I knew the answers but instead I can only hypothesize.

I think it depends on our own belief system. Do you believe in fate or consequences? Maybe you believe in the idea that you decide your own destiny. A combination of all three? What ever you decide will shape your view of what your paths through life look like.

For a long time I always felt like my paths were similar to a major city freeway system with its traffic jams, road construction and changing of lanes. Some times my paths would take periodic jaunts into the country. But as my thought processes have evolved, my visual view of my paths have shifted. I needed to get off that super highway and spend more time in the country. I have changed my view of my path to a wooded setting that you can hear the stream trickle. I am slowing down. I am still going a hundred miles an hour standing still but at least I know when to stop and smell the flowers....trains are good for that.

Do you know how to stop and smell the flowers?