Friday, April 4, 2008


I have figured out a few things today....Sometimes work is boring (no this is not a new revelation) and that when you are reading an article written by a vendor on a component of their product can be tedious (also not a new revelation). So what does this have to do with "Zzzzzzz"? Well my officemate noticed this afternoon that it was rather quiet coming from my side of the office. He looks over and sees I haven't moved...why? I was asleep and he was nice enough not to wake me up. Falling asleep for me at work only happens on a rare occasion (usually after having to come in during the middle of the night). It is a good thing we get breaks. Maybe we should have a work day more like places in Europe. Wouldn't it be great to get time off in the middle of the day to grab some lunch and a snooze??? Hmmm...maybe I need to find a job overseas where I can get a nap.