Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A bad day and how to resolve it.

Well yesterday was a crappy day. I was in at 6am to make a network change and didn't go home until after 5pm. I have a lot to do and when I get people adding to my stress by their caddy comments or lack of help, it impacts me. I know I need to work on my ability to deflect things like that but when it is compounding on itself...I am not a happy camper. In 5 days I am leaving for a month in China. But before I go, I need to complete a number of things such as 5 major and 5 minor tasks at work and 9 tasks at home. So yep I am stressed. To top it all off, my kitchen sink was clogged from cooking part of the breakfast for work on Monday and my house still smelled like bacon. I ended up dismantling the plumbing under my sink since trying to dislodge the clog with a plunger for over an hour didn't work. I am glad my mom taught me to be resourceful.

The funny thing is I could have dealt with that fairly well but I hit a wall. What pushed me to the edge was an email. I found out I am not going to Tibet. Right now I am extremely angry with the universe. There are very few things in life that I ever wanted. I have spent the last 25 years trying every way possible to ask for those few things. So I am going to resign myself to just accepting that I am not going to get what I have asked for. Some will say that I am only 40 and there is still time. I am not that way. I am done trying and asking.

When I left for the day I had to find a way to get out of that crappy mood I was in. So how do I resolve a bad day? Here is my equation for it.

x + ay^2 + z = happiness

x = limeade (constant)
a = # of shots (variable)
y = Bombay Sapphire (constant)
z = a hot bath (constant)

Today will be a better one...although I am still angry at the universe. Things will go on.